Sunday 27 September 2015

27th September 2015 From Kununurra to Edith Falls

Other campers had told us about another lovely place to visit - Edith Falls just a short way north on the road to Darwin from Katherine so we decided to make a diversion and have a look for ourselves. We travelled back along the Great Northern Highway leaving Western Australia once again and crossing the border into the Northern Territory stopping for morning tea at Timber Creek. It would be a long drive that day - 620kms.  We turned north into Katherine stopping for some supplies and then continued up the Stuart Highway for 42kms to the turn-off for Edith Falls.  We lost 1.5hrs in time difference between WA & NT so it was quite late in the day when we arrived but found a convenient campsite despite the area being quite busy.  Edith Falls is a popular day or weekend destination for people from Darwin.

Edith Falls

Edith Falls next to the campsite

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