Monday 14 September 2015

14th September 2015 - Broome

Monday 14th September 2015 we spent the morning on the beautiful Cable Beach and in the afternoon we visited the local museum.  The clear warm water was perfect for swimming.

Cable Beach - Broome

Linnie enjoying the Broome surf 

Cable Beach - Broome

The museum highlighted the Pearling Industry on which Broome was founded many years ago.  Broome has a fascinating history and there are many books written about it.  Broome is a relaxed, friendly place where time has no meaning!  They talk about "Broome-time" and we could see what they mean.  Whenever will do.

It is hard to imagine diving in this cumbersome suit. The divers, many of whom were Japanese were very brave men as it was a dangerous industry in those days.

Then back home to the caravan park for a refreshing swim in the pool............

Linnie enjoying the Cable Beach Caravan Park pool

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