Sunday 13 September 2015

13th September 2015 - Broome

Sunday, 13th September 2015

We had a wander around the shops in Broome & then drove to Roebuck Bay.  Roebuck Bay has an interesting history.  During WWII Roebuck Bay was a refuelling point for allied aircraft and also the first point of arrival for war refugees from places such as Dutch East Indies.  Japanese planes attacked in March 1942 killing at least 88 people.  Many of the flying-boats used in the evacuations were anchored in Roebuck Bay and were destroyed in the Japanese raid.

Roebuck Bay

In the evening we went to the Sun Pictures - the world's oldest operating picture gardens.  It had a great atmosphere and was surprisingly busy.  We saw the movie, Last Taxi to Darwin.  It was a very entertaining and funny movie.

Sun Pictures - outdoor picture garden

Photo taken from next to the movie screen looking back at the audience

The Picture Theatre also has an historical section

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