Thursday 10 September 2015

10th September 2015 - Manning Gorge

Yet another beautiful day - Today we started early to cross the Manning River and walk/climb  up to the Manning Gorge.  It was quite a long walk but we had our backpacks with plenty of water and snacks.

Crossing the Manning River

Early Morning at the Start of our Walk

The path soon became rocky

Linnie climbing the rocks to Manning Gorge

We finally arrived at Manning Gorge 

Manning Gorge is beautiful - I think my favourite place so far!

Linnie swimming in the cool waters of Mannning Gorge

Some younger, braver swimmers jumped from the rocky ledges into the water but not me!  It was a bit hard getting into & out of the water due to the slippery rocks but I made it okay.

We settled down to enjoy our lunch but realised that we had chosen a spot right next to a couple of crocodile nests.  They were freshies (freshwater not the big saltwater crocs) but we still decided we were a bit too close and caution was the better part of valour so we moved!

Freshwater Crocodile Nests

Crocodile nests next to the water at Manning Gorge

Slippery rocks under the service

See girl on rocks on far side ready to jump in

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