Friday 2 October 2015

2nd October 2015 - McKinlay to Winton, Barcaldine & Blackall

Hitting the road again, we took a daylight photo of the Walkabout Creek Hotel and headed towards Winton - the home of Waltzing Matilda.

Walkabout Creek Hotel - as in movie Crocodile Dundee

The vast drought-stricken Queensland Outback 

We stopped for a while to walk through Winton, the home of the Waltzing Matilda Centre which was destroyed by fire on the night of 18 June 2015. It was such a tragedy many historical artifacts were lost in the fire.  These cannot be replaced.  The centre was reopened in 2016.

Banjo Patterson who wrote Waltzing Matilda - Winton

The Matilda Centre which had been destroyed by fire

The main street in Winton

We then travelled on through Longreach to Barcaldine - having spent some time in these towns on a previous trip we did not stop this time but both are of tremendous interest to travellers with Longreach being the home of the Stockman's Hall of Fame and also the Qantas Museum.  At Barcaldine, we turned south to Blackall.  We had just set-up camp for the night when we heard trip, trap, trip, trap and through the caravan park trotted a little pony and trap.  What a surprise! It was the last thing we expected.  So cute!

A pony & trap in a Blackall Caravan Park


We had a walk from the caravan park into town - there were some unusual old buildings.

An unusual building

An Old Colonial Queenslander Home

The park by the Council Offices

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