Wednesday 26 August 2015

26th - 29th August 2015 St Lawrence to Townsville

26th - 29th August 2015                    St Lawrence to Townsville

We spent 3 nights in Townsville to top up with groceries, pick up a rental satellite phone and have new tyres fitted to the Triton. Why did we have them fitted in Townsville??  Because we particularly wanted General Grabber tyres and apart from one available in Adelaide, Townsville was the only place to have them in stock!! We also visited the beautiful new parkland in Townsville - Jezzanine Barracks.  This parkland is a credit to Townsille - it caters for everyone.

A the top of Jezzanine Barracks Park with Castle Hill in the background

Magnetic Island in the background

Looking down on the Rockpool - with sea water

The Rockpool

Looking down the Townsville Strand

The Strand Beach - Townsville

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